Dedicated to Preserving the Pug Standard Through Responsible Breeding
• Members will not condone or participate in mixed breeding or breeding pugs that are not AKC registered.
• With each Pug sold the breeder will make available the following: diet and care information, immunization and health record, three-generation pedigree and where applicable, a registration application or transfer. Breeder will provide a copy of the Code of Ethics and will offer to help with problem-solving throughout the dog’s life.

• Members will not knowingly sell a Pug to a pet shop or a dealer or other commercial outfit for resale, or to any persons known to sell dogs to such dealers. Members shall not permit any dogs to be sold at auction or used as any type of prize either directly or indirectly.
• Should anyone, at any time, become unable or unwilling to keep a Pug bred by a member, the member will take the dog back.
• Members will not knowingly make or circulate untrue statements concerning the conduct, dogs or breeding programs and practices to any other member.
• ODPDC members primary concerns shall be the care, health, and welfare of the Pug.
• ODPDC members believe that the purpose of the Pug is to provide love and companionship – realizing that this can not be fulfilled if they spend most of their time in kennels or crates.
• ODPDC members do not breed for the pet market and believe that the only justifiable reason to breed is to improve the Pug breed.
• ODPDC members breed only healthy, well-tested, mature, high-quality representatives of the breed. “Sub-Standard” Pugs are sold as “Pet Quality” on spay/neuter contracts and without papers or on AKC limited registrations.
• ODPDC members selectively place and follow-up on all puppies sold, realizing responsibility for the entire life of all puppies they have brought into the world.
• ODPDC members take the same care screening bitch owners applying for stud service, only mating bitches whose owners they feel confident will abide by the high standards of the Code of Ethics.
• ODPDC members act as good ambassadors for the Pug breed. In doing so, members attempt to educate the public, interested parties, and new owners whenever possible.